Information for Authors
Authors are instructed to follow the guidelines before submitting the manuscript.
Acquire Publication Journals accept innovative research articles, reviews, communications, opinions, case studies, case series, commentaries, editorials, and letters for publication in our journals. Authors are requested to go after the guidelines below ahead of submitting manuscripts. Submissions that do not meet the consequent criteria will not be considered for the review process. Acquire is following a double-blind peer review process to enhance the quality of the article.
Authors are expected to follow internationally accepted research reporting standards applicable to their field. Accompanying word processor file formats are acceptable for the manuscript Acquire journals: Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX).
Author Guidelines:
Cover Letter
A cover letter enclosing an institution/personal letterhead is mandatory for each submission.Initial Submission
Initial submissions should be sent to the editorial office either through email or the submission portal. Authors will receive a confirmation submission mail by the editorial coordinator within 24 to 48 hours after pre-quality screening and suitability for the journal. Submissions cleared by the groundwork analysis will be sent for assessment to reviewers.Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose any direct and indirect financial, commercial, personal/career affiliation with the article, counting any individually held viewpoint that is relevant to your work.Title Page
The title page should contain the title of the article or the running title, subtitle. The title should be brief, specific, and informative, with the scientific name(s) in italics/underlined.Authorship and Correspondence
Names of authors to be typed, in capitals unaccompanied by their degrees, titles, etc.Address:
List of authors, author affiliations, author order and correspondence information. Each author’s contribution to the final work such as study design, data collection, paper preparation, etc. must be clearly declared; Present address of correspondence should be given as footnote indicating by an asterisk the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.Note:
Acquire Publications does not mediate or be a witness to any disputes among authors. The editorial office will communicate with the corresponding author(s) regarding any revisions; all authors are responsible for the final content.Abstract
Abstract is only part of the article in which several persons who read are attentive, therefore, authors need to ensure that the abstract is precise and informative. Abstract put up study appropriate, aim, methods, results, and conclusion. Verify that you have provided adequate background and state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point out major findings, state your methods and key findings, and end with the conclusion. Your abstract should be the most concise summary of your manuscript. An abstract may as well edit the content in 150-200 words. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.Keywords
Research articles, reviews, and case reports should have a list of keywords (6-8 catchphrases) used in the article followed by the abstract; this makes it easier to optimize the article for search engine results.Abbreviations
Using abbreviations improve overall understandability, as such their use in scientific articles are recommended. Each mentioned abbreviation should be fully expanded the first time it appears in the paper.Nomenclature
Units - Use International System of Units (SI) to present the units Drugs - Use the Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) Species - Use binomial nomenclature, use italics for presentation Genes - Use DDBJ/Genebank accession numbers for gene sequences and amino acidsMaterials and Methods
In this section, authors should address and note materials and methods that are used to carry out the work. It should inform the reader about appropriate methodology etc. but if known methods have been adopted; only references are cited. It should comprise the experimental design and techniques with experimental area and institutional with a year of the experiment. Authors need to indicate when (year/period) and where (university/institute/laboratory) the present experiment was conducted.Results and Discussion
It should be combined if possible, to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations.Acknowledgment
Authors should acknowledge the work of individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship but otherwise contributed to the study in any way. Research sponsors may also be included in this section.Figures and Tables
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A statement stating all funding sources involved in performing the research must be attached with the submission.Page/Line Number:
Authors are requested to mention Page number and Line number to each line in the MS for easy and quick review. Text Alignment, line spacing, word count, figures, tables etc must be as per format.References
The author should use the author-date format for citations and references. The text contained within each article should be maintained with appropriate references in consecutive order to ensure that the references are up-to-date and cited correctly. A List of all the references quoted should be provided at the end of the paper. It should be prepared alphabetically with the surname of all the authors followed by their initials and year of publication in brackets. The titles of the articles should be mentioned. Journal short names should be used. Volume numbers and issue numbers need to be in bold type and pagination in normal type.Clinical Images:
Clinical Images are photographic depictions and it should not exceed more than 10 figures with a description, not exceeding 300 words. Generally no references and citations are required here. If necessary, only few references can be allowed. Do not add separate figure legends to clinical images; the entire clinical image text is the figure legend. Images should be submitted with the manuscript in one of the following formats: .tiff (preferred) or .eps.Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor should be limited to commentaries on previous articles published with specific reference to issues and causes related to it. It should be concise, comprehensive and brief reports of cases or research findings. It does not follow a format such as abstract, subheads, or acknowledgments. It is more a response or the opinion of the reader on a particular article published and should reach the editor within 12 months of article publication.Copyrights
All content published in Acquire journals is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, commonly known as CC BY. Lawful reuse of the article is allowed with proper attribution.Copyright Transfer
In the case of the replica of any published work or a part of it such as figures/tables/text, etc. the corresponding author is a reliable person to obtain the copyrights from the previous publisher. It is obligatory to state the copyright transference evidence wherever necessary and make sure that cited properly.Retraction Policy
Superiority and reliability are absolute to Acquire. In the event that an article needs to be retracted, we follow an internationally accepted retraction policy. An article may need to be retracted due to honest errors that were overlooked, flaws in experimental methodology, or scientific misconduct. Inaccurate or misleading research reporting has no place in a scientific journal; therefore, we waste no time in raising ourselves to meet our exceptional standards. Any papers found to have plagiarized content are retracted immediately. A notification will be published on the website stating reasons for the retraction; the note will include a link to the original paper. Citation and web link are available on the retraction note. In case of a high degree of discussion on a published article, letters will be published to exchange the matter.Erratum
Under this section a note of corrections at various production levels in the published paper will be provided in the subsequent issue of the journal. Only writing, editing, typesetting errors, mistakes in tables and figures are corrected and published.Corrigendum
A list of corrections submitted by the authors will be published under this section. These corrections may not alter the results and conclusions of the published work. Errors in units of measurements, misidentification of strains, authorship, affiliations, etc. are considered for publication. The corresponding author needs to send a notice, with the approval of all authors attached, to the editorial office with the list of corrections.Type of the article and word count
Full-length articles (not exceeding 3000 - 3,200 words including references but excluding Tables and Figures).
Short theoretical articles (not exceeding 2,000 - 2200 words including references).
Review Articles (not exceeding 6000 - 6200 words).
All the papers are subjected to double-blind peer review. The responsibility for any statement in the article rests with the author(s). The corresponding author should send a certificate that the article or its data has not been sent/will not be sent elsewhere for publication. If a manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, it must be resubmitted within 15-20 days of its receipt or the respective time accepted with the editorial team. Every article is assigned with reference article number should invariably be referred in all future correspondence.