Journal of Clinical Veterinary Research (JCVR) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal sets upright for the rapid publication of novel research articles, review articles, case reports, editorials, perspectives and short communications in all areas of veterinary science and veterinary pathology related academic disciplines encompassing the aspects on domestic, farm and wild animals, bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology, molecular biology, pathology, toxicology, pharmacology, biochemistry, animal rearing, husbandry and breeding. The foremost prominence is, nevertheless, on infectious diseases of animals, research on nutrition and community healthiness, and experimental sciences as well as the biomedical progressions that bring about animal health.
JCVR goals to assist the veterinarian, researchers and scientific community by providing a display space for authors willing to publish high quality research in both basic and clinical veterinary medicine.
All submissions to the JCVR undergo a loyal, supportive, and double-blind peer-review process. All articles are immediately available to read and reuse upon publication. Articles published in JCVR enables user/ reader/ peer to use the content with clear permission in a way that it can be reused and redistributed as long as the article source is appropriately given credit for non-commercial purpose.
Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
JCVR welcomes direct submissions of manuscripts from authors to the submission portal in website and also through as an attachment.