Journal of Pediatrics and Primary Care (JPPC) is an international open access bimonthly online journal publishes up-to-date articles on paediatrics and medical care of infants.
The Journal seeks to provide an academic display place for scientists, researchers, scholars, academia and paediatrics professionals for the discussion, interaction and dissemination of novel ideas, basic and clinical theories, innovations, opinions and latest original research and educational information in the field of paediatrics and other associated medical disciplines across the globe. The cross-disciplinary focus of the journal ensures the sharing of information with all readers involved in the practice of pediatric medicine, neonatal-p erinatal medicine its related basic sciences and clinical disciplines.
It duly addresses and highlights issues relating to neonatal critical care medicine and pediatric diseases and disorders. It is the goal of JPPC to lead the discipline of paediatrics by setting professional quality ideals ensuring and highlighting the in-depth content of articles.
All submissions to the JPPC undergo a loyal, supportive, and double-blind peer-review process. All articles are immediately available to read and reuse upon publication. Articles published in JPPC enables user/ reader/ peer to use the content with clear permission in a way that it can be reused and redistributed as long as the article source is appropriately given credit for non-commercial purpose.
Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
JPPC welcomes direct submissions of manuscripts from authors to the submission portal in website and also through as an attachment.